MSW-Models offers a wide range of model toys, collectibles, collector models, promotional models and model kits.
To find exactly the models you want in our catalog of nearly 10,000 models:
Select the criteria that must comply with the model in the Model Finder (left navigation). The more you select, better results will be displayed (less in numbers but more accurate matches).
Add the models you'll like to order to your shopping cart. From there you can continue to the "checkout".
For ordering and shipping, we'll of course need some personal information.
You can choose to log in as:
- Customer (already registered)
- New customer (become a registered user)
- Guest
After you placed the order:
No big deal - go to "Customer's Login" right below "My Account".
On the left beneath the login fields click on "reset password".
Enter your email address and we'll send you a new password by email.
Since email traffic on the internet isn't protected against access by third parties, you really should then re-assign your own password using "My Account" > "Edit Account".
It can happen that one mistypes his e-mail when registering. That's why we explicitly point out to double check the email while registration, otherwise you will not get order confirmations or notifications.
Unfortunately, there is no possibility - for security reasons - to reset your password without access to e-mail address, or to change your email address without knowledge of the mistyped email address and the password.
If you suspect that you have entered a wrong email, create a new account with the correctly typed email.
You may then send us a message so that we can try to delete the old account with the wrong email: Contact
You are welcome to contact our team to check whether the order can still be modified or cancelled.
Delivery time: Within 1-3 working days at your place. Given the item is in stock.
The displacement occurs on a daily schedule an will be shipped with the Post AG.
Delivery: Trade fair novelties will be delivered first come first serve, depending on the time of your preorder.
Remnants: If an article of your order cannot be delivered, we add these to our database for subsequent delivery.
You do not need to re-order this product. We get back to you as soon as it becomes available.
You want to know wich articles we have marked as backordered for you? Simply call on us, we can immediately say that you.
shipping costs within Germany:
For orders that ar worth less than 30.00 Euro in value of goods we charge 9.90 Euro shipping costs.
Starting from 30.00 Euro you'll only have to pay 3.00 Euro shipping.
And for orders that are worth at least 100.00,- Euro we'll deliver completely free of charge within Germany.
For new customers we reserve the COD, but this creates no additional cost.
Partial deliveries are always possible.
For damage in transit over the company Modellspielwaren Norbert Mietz full responsibility.
shipping abroad vary according to the zone:
Zone | destination countries | base price up to 1kg | each additional kg |
1 | e.g.: Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium ... | 5.51 | 0.22 |
2 | e.g.: Sweden, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, San Marino, Italy, Vatican City State (Holy See), Slovenia, Liechtenstein ... | 10.80 | 0.70 |
3 | e.g.: Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Greenland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Norway ... | 20.92 | 1.64 |
4 | e.g.: Lebanon, Tunisia, Russian Federation, Syria, Turkey, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morroco, Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Georgia ... | 27.70 | 4.50 |
5 | e.g.: Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Afganistan, Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Viet Nam, Jordan, Japan, Pakistan, Tajikistan ... | 39.14 | 4.50 |
6 | e.g.: Guam, Niger, Ethiopia, Botswana, Aruba, Angola, Samoa, American, Republic of South Sudan, Central African Republic, Haiti, El Salvador ... | 34.72 | 6.30 |
For deliveries outside of Germany, we calculate the costs. Deliveries are shipping prescription.
Orders from foreign countries will receive an Vorrausrechnung including the shipping costs incurred prior to delivery.
The invoice will be in PDF format via e-mail or mail.
We need to check whether all the items you ordered are actually available, as we offer many products from partner publishers.
In our newsletters we draw attention to important new publications, events and program changes as well as current offerings.
The subscription to our newsletter is free of charge, optional and revokable at any time.
Within every newsletter you'll receive an unsubscribe link, to easily remove you from out mailinglist.
We use TLS encryption. Thus, all data you send to is encrypted and can not be read by third parties.
The most important protection is your own password. Never give it to other people and avoid simple passwords.
These are cracked within seconds, for example: "abc123", "123456", "Model", "Caterpillar08".
A better one on the other hand would be similar to: "merry! 214@BARDS"
We comply with the applicable data protection regulations and statutory requirements. Your data is only collected to process orders, continually improve our service and used without your consent and not given to others. See Privacy Policy for further information.
We do not store any personal information in cookies.
For further information, please take a look at our Terms and Conditions.